Is Ashwagandha Safe for Kids: Safety, Benefits, and Alternatives

Is Ashwagandha safe for children

Is ashwagandha safe for kids? It's a question that a lot of parents have. We recognize that you want what's best for your kid. You will learn all you need to know about ashwagandha in this article, including when it might be useful, its possible advantages, and safety issues.

Table of Contents

  • Ashwagandha safety for children
  • Potential benefits for stress, focus, sleep
  • Importance of doctor consultation
  • Ashwagandha not a cure-all
  • Alternatives like therapy, other supplements
  • Parents as informed decision-makers

Is Ashwagandha Safe for Children?

First things first: ashwagandha is generally considered safe for kids when taken in moderation.

It's important to realize that not much thorough research has been conducted on the drug's long-term effects on children.

Some kids might experience minor side effects including nausea or a little bit of sleepiness. Because of this, if you decide to attempt supplementation, it's best to start with a low dosage and see how your child reacts. When utilizing ashwagandha, the proper dosage is essential.

Lastly, don't forget to inform your child's physician about any additional drugs or supplements they may be taking. It's best to be cautious because even natural supplements might occasionally interact with other substances.

Notably, ashwagandha is considered unsafe during pregnancy and nursing stages as it may have an impact on the mother’s hormones.

Ashwagandha's Potential Benefits for Kids


So why are parents interested in ashwagandha for their children? Here are a few areas where it might offer support:

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

As an adaptogen, ashwagandha improves the body's ability to handle stress. This may result in a more relaxed attitude and decreased worry in certain children, particularly those who face daily challenges or worries.

Enhanced Focus

To be clear, ashwagandha isn't a miracle drug for treating ADHD. However, if stress or worry are contributing factors to a child's difficulty focusing, then addressing those underlying problems may provide some benefit inadvertently. [Source]

Support for Sleep

A lot of children struggle to fall asleep at night. Because of its possible relaxing benefits, ashwagandha may help individuals sleep faster and have more restful sleep. [Source]

Remember that every child is unique. While some people may see noticeable changes from ashwagandha, others may not. Read this article to learn how long Ashwagandha stays in a person’s system and how it changes the effects of this herb.

Under the supervision of a physician, it's worth trying to see how your child responds.

Should I Give My Child Ashwagandha?

While ashwagandha shows promise, it's important to be realistic:

  • Anxiety and stress in childhood can have many complicated reasons. Although ashwagandha is a useful tool, it is not a miracle cure.
  • Never a substitute for medical advice from a professional. Don't rely just on vitamins if your youngster issues with anxiety, focus, or mood. To treat patients holistically and address the underlying cause of their problems, therapists, pediatricians, and occasionally psychiatrists are essential.

Where our product fits in: If your child's doctor approves ashwagandha as an option, that's where we come in. Our Organic Ashwagandha is carefully sourced and provides a standardized dose for greater control and safety.

Bottom line: Ashwagandha might be worth considering in the context of a broader, professionally guided plan for your child.

What Science Says & What's Still Unknown


The fact that researchers are paying more attention to ashwagandha is positive. Here is a summary of some research findings:

Decreased stress and anxiety

After taking ashwagandha for 60 days, adults with anxiety in one research showed notable benefits. Adults and children are not the same, however, this finding does support Ashwagandha’s adaptogenic abilities, which may be useful in children, too. [Source]

Some people have in the past misreported Ashwagandha to have numbed their emotions overall. Even though there are reasons why a person may perceive this to be the case, it almost certainly is not.

Possibility for better sleep

According to some studies, ashwagandha may make it easier for people to fall asleep and have better-quality sleep.

Important Reminder: Much more research is needed to fully understand all of Ashwagandha’s possible effects and even interactions with other substances and lifestyles.

Alternatives to Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha may have a place in a person’s holistic health journey, but it's important to remember it's just one option.

Proven Therapies

Children can learn how to control their thoughts and emotions by using strategies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Building self-awareness and calming techniques is facilitated by mindfulness exercises. These methods for easing anxiety in kids and encouraging concentration have strong scientific support.

Other Supplements

Although less research has been done on them in kids, some people utilize supplements such as L-theanine, which has been related to decreased anxiety, and magnesium, which may help with sleep.  It's vital to talk to a doctor about their safety and appropriate dosing before giving them to kids.

Maca is another adaptogen some people find to be worth exploring for achieving similar benefits to Ashwagandha. For a complete comparison, check out: Ashwagandha vs. Maca: Which is Right for You?


The Potential of Ashwagandha: This herb may be able to assist children who have trouble sleeping, managing stress, or worry. But it's not a magic fix, and you have to apply it carefully.

Prioritizing safety: For children, ashwagandha is usually regarded as safe when used in moderation. It's crucial to follow your doctor's instructions and take the recommended dosage.

You Are Your Child's Best Advocate:

You are the one who knows your child the best. Create a comprehensive plan in close collaboration with licensed healthcare providers to promote your child's overall health.

As a parent, wanting the best for your child is natural. By staying informed and working with trusted healthcare professionals, you can make the best choices about every aspect of their health journey.

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